Be True to YourselfAlways be yourself. Think about it – why try to be anything else? People deal with people, and you will naturally gel better with some...
Why Choose Me?Why choose me for your social media marketing? I work very closely with my clients I genuinely care about your business I have an...
Online Competitions & GiveawaysRunning a competition or giveaway on social media can be a great way to encourage visitors to your page and increase brand awareness....
Creating a Successful Social Media BrandBuilding a successful online brand can be a lot simpler than you might think, although it does require a bit of time and consideration...
STEP AWAY FROM THE BOOST BUTTON!PLEASE STOP – DON’T BOOST It truly saddens me to see so many people continually pressing the BOOST button on Facebook. BOOSTING A POST IS...
How To Tackle Online ReviewsReviews are a fantastic way to boost your company profile online. Google, for instance, will positively improve your internet search...
Facebook Reach, Impressions, Engagements and the all-important Algorithm “Help – Facebook is not showing my business page posts” “Why has my Facebook reach suddenly dropped” “How do I get more people to engage...
Setting Up Your Facebook Page For SuccessIn this digital age, it is absolutely vital for any brand (business, service, community group, charity, artist or public figure) to have...
Engagement Campaigns on Facebook There are many things to consider when running a paid marketing campaign on Facebook, and the first is your objective – what do you want...
How Often is Too Much, How Little is Not Enough?How often should you post on Social Media? There has been a lot of research into this, and the results vary from platform to platform....