Don't Hide Your Light Under A Bushel - Be Proud And Make It Shine!
A few days ago, I answered the door to a chap from a well-known company asking if I would be interested in a quote for new windows. They had just completed an installation locally, and were taking advantage of this to canvas door-to-door. As it happens, we will be looking to replace a couple of windows in the next 12 months. And because he knocked on my door, I will almost certainly consider his company.
So why am I, a social media marketing consultant, telling you about this encounter?
Two reasons: Visibility and Cost
Think about it – you may have a brilliant product or service, but how does anyone know about it?
Even established businesses need to stay in the spotlight, otherwise people may be forgiven for thinking they are no longer around.
Knocking on doors is not a viable option for most companies these days, but that doesn’t stop you from virtually making your presence known.
According to the Digital 2021 Report, published in partnership between We Are Social and Hootsuite, there are globally 1.3million new users on social media every day: this equates to 15 new users every second - let that sink in ....
So how exactly do you make your brand stand out on the internet?
All the social media platforms use an algorithm to determine which posts get delivered to an individual’s personal feed – complicated? Not at all.
The algorithm works by deciding which content is likely to be relevant to someone based on a number of factors including their interests and historical interactions. The more a person reacts to a particular brand, product, service or type of post, the more the platform will continue to display it first on their feed. On the flip side, if there is little or no reaction, the platform will show something it considers more relevant instead. This doesn’t mean that content is hidden, it’s just further down the feed. It’s worth noting that this also applies whether or not the person follows a particular page.
The key to making the algorithm work for you is to ensure that your posts are authentic, relevant and engaging.
Be authentic - deliver content that truly matters to you and your customers
Be consistent - depending on the platform, you don't need to post every single day, but it does need to be regular and relevant
Interact with your audience – ask/answer questions, build relationships
Don't be afraid to try something new - mix it up with images, videos, blogs and how-to guides
Make paid adverts work for you by selecting the right demographic for your brand - don't waste it on the wrong location/age profile
Do make use of the analytics available to you, so you know what works and what doesn't
Social Media marketing doesn’t need to be scary or expensive.
Start by having a chat with your local, friendly consultant!
Don’t hide your light under a bushel – be proud and make it shine!